
0 Security and Hacking Books Pack

Security and Hacking Books Pack
Security and Hacking Books Pack
Huge Security and Hacking books Megapack (1.96 GB)
Most are in English but many are in French.
Most are .PDF but many are either ZIPped or RARed with the .pdf (or whatever) in them. There may be just a few duplicates.

Books List:
Low Tech Hacking -Street Smarts for Security Professionals [NepsterJay].pdf
Syngress - Aggressive Network Self-Defense.pdf
Syngress - Best Damn Windows Server 2003 Book Period.pdf
Syngress - Botnets - The Killer Web App.pdf
Syngress - Buffer Overflow Attacks.pdf
Syngress - Building a VoIP Network with Multimedia Communication Server 5100.pdf
Syngress - Building DMZs for Enterprise Networks.pdf
Syngress - Building SANs with Brocade Fabric Switches.pdf
Syngress - C#.NET Web Developer's Guide.pdf
Syngress - Check Point NG VPN-1 FireWall-1 Advanced Configuration and Troubleshooting.pdf
Syngress - Cisco Security - Professional's Guide to Secure Intrusion Detection Systems.pdf
Syngress - Cisco Security - Specialist's Guide to PIX Firewalls.pdf
Syngress - Combating Spyware in the Enterprise.pdf
Syngress - Creating Security Policies and Implementing Identity Management with Active Directory.pdf
Syngress - Cyber Adversary Characterization - Auditing the Hacker Mind.pdf
Syngress - Cyber Crime Investigations.pdf
Syngress - Cyber Spying - Tracking your Family's Secret Online Lives.pdf
Syngress - Developer's Guide to Web Application Security.pdf
Syngress - Email Virus Protection Handbook.pdf
Syngress - Enemy at the Water Cooler.pdf
Syngress - Essential Computer Security.pdf
Syngress - Google Hacking for Penetration Tester - Vol.1.pdf
Syngress - Google Hacking for Penetration Tester - Vol.2.pdf
Syngress - Google Talking.pdf
Syngress - Hack Proofing Linux.pdf
Syngress - Hack Proofing Sun Solaris.pdf
Syngress - Hack Proofing Windows 2000 Server.pdf
Syngress - Hack Proofing XML.pdf
Syngress - Hack Proofing your Identity in the Information Age.pdf
Syngress - Hack Proofing your Network - 2nd Edition.pdf
Syngress - Hack Proofing your network.pdf
Syngress - Hack Proofing your Web Applications.pdf
Syngress - Hack Proofing your Wireless Network.pdf
Syngress - Hack the Stack.pdf
Syngress - How to Cheat at Securing a Wireless Network.pdf
Syngress - InfoSec Career Hacking - Sell your Skillz not your Soul.pdf
Syngress - Intrusion, Prevention and Active Response.pdf
Syngress - LEGO Software Power Tools.pdf
Syngress - Linksys WRT54G Ultimate Hacking.pdf
Syngress - Metasploit Toolkit for Penetration Testing, Exploit Development and Vulnerability Research.pdf
Syngress - Microsoft Vista for IT Security Professionals.pdf
Syngress - Nessus Network Auditing.pdf
Syngress - Ninja Hacking - Unconventional Penetration Testing Tactics and Techniques.pdf
Syngress - Nmap in the Enterprise - Your Guide to Network Scanning.pdf
Syngress - OS X for Hackers at Heart.pdf
Syngress - Penetration Tester's Open Source Toolkit - Vol.1.pdf
Syngress - Penetration Tester's Open Source Toolkit - Vol.2.pdf
Syngress - Phishing Exposed.pdf
Syngress - Practical VoIP Security.pdf
Syngress - Programmer's Ultimate Security Deskref.pdf
Syngress - RFID Security.pdf
Syngress - Scene of the Cybercrime - Computer Forensics Handbook.pdf
Syngress - Scripting VMware Power Tools.pdf
Syngress - Secure Your Network for Free.pdf
Syngress - Securing the Cloud - Cloud Computer Security Techniques and Tactics.pdf
Syngress - Security Assessment Case Studies for Implementing the NSA IAM.pdf
Syngress - Security Log Management - Identifying Patterns in the Chaos.pdf
Syngress - Security Sage's Guide to Hardening the Network.pdf
Syngress - Security+ Study Guide.pdf
Syngress - Snort 2.0 Intrusion Detection.pdf
Syngress - Snort 2.1 Intrusion Detection - 2nd Edition.pdf
Syngress - Snort IDS and IPS Toolkit.pdf
Syngress - Sockets, Shellcode, Porting and Coding - Reverse Engineering Exploits.pdf
Syngress - Special Ops - Host and Network Security for Microsoft, UNIX, and Oracle.pdf
Syngress - SQL Injection Attacks and Defense.pdf
Syngress - Stealing the Network - How to Own a Shadow.pdf
Syngress - Stealing the Network - How to Own the Box.pdf
Syngress - Systems Security Certification Practitioner Study Guide.pdf
Syngress - Techno Security’s Guide to Managing Risks.pdf
Syngress - The Mezonic Agenda - Hacking the Presidency.pdf
Syngress - VB.NET Developer's Guide.pdf
Syngress - WarDriving and Wireless Penetration Testing.pdf
Syngress - Wireless Hacking - Projects for Wi-Fi Enthusiasts.pdf
Syngress - Wireshark and Ethereal - Network Protocol Analyzer Toolkit.pdf
Syngress - Writing Security Tools and Exploits.pdf
Syngress - XSS Attacks.pdf
Syngress - Zen and the Art of Information Security.pdf
Syngress - Zero Day Exploit - Countdown to Darkness.pdf
The Hackademy - Hors Serie 1.pdf
The Hackademy - Hors Serie 2.pdf
The Hackademy - Hors Serie 3.pdf
The Hackademy Prog - Apprendre à Programmer en C.pdf
The Hackademy Prog - Apprendre à Programmer en PHP.pdf
The Hackademy School - Hack Newbie.pdf
The Hackademy School - Hack Security Pro.pdf
The Hackademy School - Linux.pdf
The Hackademy School - Mini Guide Anonymat.pdf
The Hackademy School - Newbie - part 1.pdf
The Hackademy School - Newbie - part 2.pdf
The Hackademy School - Newbie - part 3.pdf
The Hackademy School - Newbie - part 4.pdf
The Hackademy School - Securite wifi.pdf
ZI Hackademy - Newbie 1.pdf
ZI Hackademy - Newbie 2.pdf
ZI Hackademy - Newbie 3.pdf
[0 - List].txt
A Closer Look At Ethical Hacking And Hackers.pdf.7z
Analyse Apres L'attaque.pdf.7z
Analyse De Code Malveillant.pdf.7z
ARP Cache Poisonning.pdf
ARP Poisonning.pdf
Attacking The DNS Protocol.pdf
Avantages Et Faiblesses Du Protocole SSH.pdf.7z
Buffer Overflow.pdf
CERTA - Les Mots De Passe.pdf.7z
Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) v3.0 Official Course.pdf
Cle De Registre Suspecte.pdf.7z
Codage De Huffman.pdf.7z
Cognitive Hacking.pdf.7z
Commande DOS.rtf
Cracker Les SSHA Sous LDAP.pdf.7z
Credit Card Hacking.pdf
Cross Site Request Forgery II.pdf
Cross Site Request Forgery.pdf
CSTA Ethical Hacking Hands On.pdf.7z
Culture Du Don Dans Le Logiciel Libre.pdf.7z
Dangerous Google Searching for Secrets.pdf.7z
Dangerous Google.pdf
Data Breach Hacking Category Summary 2007.pdf.7z
Data Breach Hacking Category Summary 2008.pdf.7z
Database Security Using White-Hat Google Hacking.pdf.7z
Debugging Session - Anti-Anti-ptrace Or Fooling The Debugger Fooler.pdf.7z
Decimalisation Table Attacks For PIN Cracking.pdf.7z
Ebay Hacks 100 Industrial-Strength Tips And Tools.pdf.7z
eBook Fr - 2020 Hackers - 214 Pages Pour Apprendre Le Hacking En Francais - Cours De Hacking-Shared By KoraS.rar
Ethical Hacking And Countermeasures.pdf.7z
Ethical Hacking.pdf.7z
Extensions Personnalisees Pour IPTables.pdf.7z
Faille XSS.txt
Forensics Analysis Of Hacking Cases.pdf.7z
Game Hacking.pdf.7z
Google Hack.pdf
Guide De Securite.pdf.7z
Hack I.T.pdf
Hack It Security Through Penetration Testing.pdf.7z
Hack Proofing Your Network .pdf
Hack Proofing Your Network Internet Tradecraft.pdf.7z
Hackademy - Cours 3.pdf
Hackademy.Magazine.Hors Serie.N1.rar
Hacker's Handbook.pdf
Hacking - The Art Of Exploitation.chm.7z
Hacking For Profit.pdf.7z
Hacking GMail.pdf
Hacking Into Computer Systems.pdf.7z
Hacking Intranet Website From The Outside.pdf.7z
Hacking jBoss.pdf.7z
Hacking Leopard.pdf.7z
Hacking Mashing Gluing.pdf.7z
Hacking Matter.pdf.7z
Hacking Offences.pdf.7z
Hacking Practices And Software Development.pdf.7z
Hacking Primes.pdf.7z
Hacking Secrets Revealed.pdf.7z
Hacking Securite Hand-Book.pdf.7z
Hacking The Frozen WASTE For Cool Objects.pdf.7z
Hacking The Genome.pdf.7z
Hacking The Windows Regisrty.pdf
Hacking The Windows Registry.pdf.7z
How Hackers Do It.pdf.7z
How To Make Key Generators.pdf.7z
How To Steal An Election By Hacking The Vote.pdf.7z
Injection SQL Part II.html
Injection SQL.html
L'ethique Hacker De Pekka Himanen.pdf.7z
Le Vrai Visage De La Matrice.pdf.7z
Les .htaccess.txt
Les Dumps Memoires.pdf.7z
Les Systemes De Detection D'intrusion Vus De L'interieur.pdf.7z
Menace 650.pdf
Microsoft SQL Server Passwords.pdf.7z
More Than 40 Million Credit And Debit Card Numbers Stolen.pdf.7z
O'Reilly - Network Security with OpenSSL Ebook - Fly.rar
Preventing Web App Hacking.pdf.7z
Righttoleft Override.pdf.7z
Rootkits Sous Oracle.pdf.7z
Secrets of a Hacker.pdf
Securing IIS By Breaking.pdf.7z
Securiser Ses Serveurs Avec Les Tests De Vulnerabilites.pdf.7z
Securite Informatique Principes Et Methode.pdf.7z
Security IIS.pdf
Steganographie - Techniques.pdf.7z
Tests d'Intrusion Des Acces Internet.pdf.7z
Tests De Penetration Internes.pdf.7z
The Hackademy Prog n1 Ebook Fr-Library.pdf
The Hackers Handbook 2.pdf.7z
The Hackers Handbook.pdf.7z
The Performance Of Technology.pdf.7z
The Web Hacking Incidents Database Annual Report 2007.pdf.7z
They are Hacking Our Clients.pdf.7z
Thinking Like A Hacker.pdf.7z
Zi Hackademy - Cours 1.pdf
Zi Hackademy - Cours 2.pdf
[0 - List].txt
[CLUSIF] Les Virus Informatiques.pdf
[EDIGO] Le piratage de A a Z.pdf
[HACKADEMY] Cours deuxieme niveau partie .pdf
[HACKADEMY] Cours deuxieme niveau partie 1.pdf
[HACKADEMY] Cours Newbie+.pdf
[HACKADEMY] Cours Newbie.pdf
[SPRINGER] Les virus informatiques - theorie, practique et applications.pdf
Advanced Exploitation Of Buffer Overflow.pdf.7z
ASLR Smack.pdf.7z
Attacking The DNS Protocol.pdf.7z
Attaque Man In The Middle Sur La Connexion Chiffree De Jabber.pdf.7z
Attaque Par Factorisation Contre RSA.pdf.7z
CERTA - Securite Des Reseaux Sans Fil.pdf.7z
CERTA - Sécurité Des Applications Web Et Vulnérabilité De Type Injection De Données.pdf.7z
Comment Contourner La Protection Aleatoire De La Pile Sur Le Noyau 2.6.pdf.7z
Cracking SQL Passwords.pdf
Creation De Portes Derobees Sophistiquees Sous Linux - Reniflage De Paquets.pdf.7z
Creation Des Shellcodes Sous Architecture Linux x86.pdf.7z
Creer Un Shellcode Polymorphique.pdf.7z
Cross-Site Tracing (XST).pdf.7z
Cryptographie Classique - Exercice 1.pdf.7z
En Memoire Aux Timing Attacks.pdf.7z
Exploitation Avancee Buffer Overflow.pdf.7z
Exploitation Et Defense Des Applications Flash.pdf.7z
Feed Injection In Web 2.0.pdf.7z
Google Dangereux - A La Recherche Des Informations Confidentielles.pdf.7z
Google Hacking Of Oracle Technologies V1.02.pdf.7z
Google Hacking.pdf.7z
Google Hacks.pdf.7z
GSM - Qui Peut Ecouter Mon Portable.pdf.7z
Guide De Securite PHP 1.0.pdf.7z
Hacking Bluetooth Enabled Mobile Phones And Beyond.pdf.7z
Hacking Du Noyau Et Anti-Forensics.pdf.7z
Hacking Gmail.pdf.7z
Hacking The Invisible Network.pdf.7z
Hacking VoIP Exposed.pdf.7z
Hacking Web Applications Using Cookie Poisoning.pdf.7z
How To Make Keygens.pdf
Image Anti-bot Et Fichier Wav .pdf.7z
Ingenierie Inverse Du Code Executable ELF Dans L'analyse Apres Intrusion.pdf.7z
Injection HTML Hackin9.pdf.7z
Injections SQL Les bases.pdf.7z
Introduction Aux Audits De Sécurités Dans Des Applications.pdf.7z
Introduction Aux Vulnérabilités Web.pdf.7z
Invisibilite Des Rootkits.pdf.7z
Le Phishing.pdf.7z
Le Scannage De Ports Vu Par L'administrateur.pdf.7z
Linux Security Modules - General Security Hooks For Linux.pdf.7z
NC commands.pdf
Netcat tuto.txt
Securite Wi-Fi - WEP WPA et WPA2.pdf.7z
Securites Des Comptes Sous Unix.pdf.7z
Shell Netcat.txt
Shells Restreints - Comment Les Detourner.pdf.7z
Systemes Includes Secure.pdf.7z
Sécurisation Script PHP et Mysql.pdf.7z
Type-Assisted Dynamic Buffer Overflow Detection.pdf.7z
Unixgarden - Techniques Obfuscation De Code - Chiffrer Du Clair Avec Du Clair.pdf.7z
Unixgarden - Timing Attack Et Hyperthreading.pdf.7z
Vulnerabilités De Type Format String.pdf.7z
Yahoo Hacking Of Oracle Technologies.pdf.7z
[0 - List].txt
1. addison wesley - advanced programming languages design.pdf
2. compiler construction manual.pdf
3. compilers and compiler generators in C++.pdf
4. morgan kaufmann - engineering a compiler (Draft).pdf
5. Algorithms For Compiler Design.pdf
Art of Intel x86 Assembly.pdf
O'Reilly - Practical C Programming, 3Rd Edition.pdf
Prentice Hall - Expert C Programming - Deep C Secretes.pdf
Prentice Hall - The ANSI C Programming Language 2nd ed. by Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie.pdf
The Art Of Assembly Language Programming.pdf

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